Otter Valley Funerals
Armed Forces Covenant

Armed Forces Covenant

What is the Armed Forces Covenant?

The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise from the nation to those who serve or who have served, and their families, which says we will do all we can to ensure they are treated fairly and not disadvantaged in their day-to-day lives. The Armed Forces Covenant relies on the people, communities, and businesses of the UK to actively support it in order to make a difference.
​The Covenant brings together the government, businesses, local authorities, charities and the public in order to support those who serve.

Our Pledge to the Armed Forces Community

By signing the Armed Forces Covenant, we pledge to:-

  • Recognise the value Serving Personnel, both Regular and Reservists, Veterans and military families contribute to our business and our country.
  • Welcoming applications from and guaranteeing interviews with, veterans who meet the criteria in the job specification.
  • Recognise military skills and qualifications in our recruitment and selection process
  • Supporting Armed Forces Day, Reserves Day, the Poppy Appeal Day and Remembrance activities.
  • Offer a discount of 10% off our professional services to members of the Armed Forces community and advertising this
    through the Defence Discount Services